Verbal Aggression: Between Violence and Impotence


  • Oksana Havryliv Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine University of Vienna, Austria



verbal aggression, language violence, language and society, aggressive speech acts, pejorative words.


In this article a clear line between two terms "verbal aggression" - "verbal violence" is drawn. Based on the results of surveys case studies held by the author "verbal aggression" is viewed as a complex linguistic phenomenon, in the basis of which both intention aimed at humiliation of the addressee (then verbal aggression equals to verbal violence), and intentions that are not aimed at verbal violence and that we can call "efficient" may lie, since the necessity to communicate their negative emotions belongs to people’s communication (emotional function of language), to point at negative moments, not intending to offend the addressee. The "productive" functions of verbal aggression, emphasized in the field of psychology, are not sufficiently studied from linguistic perspective. Special attention in the article is given to the relation of verbal and physical aggression. Based on the theory of speech acts and the theory of performativity we view language as an action and distinguish two possibilities of aggressive speech acts: the one that is aimed at violence and the non-violent one. In the first case it is language of violence as a separate independent form of violence.


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Vol 4 No 2 (2017)

How to Cite

Havryliv, O. . (2017). Verbal Aggression: Between Violence and Impotence. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics , 4(2), 34-46.