Laws of the Personal Speech Experience Organization
speech, speech experience, organization, internal structure, external structure.Abstract
The article investigates the personality’s speech experience. Theoretical conceptual model of the speech experience considering it as structural and functional system of personality, the essence of which is the process and product of processing and organizing the results of speech development of the world by means of speech ability, speech capability, speech competency and activity through speech competence, language view of the world and speech culture. Thus, internal and external structures are found in the speech experience. Their interaction allows the personality’s speech exploration of the world. Empirical studies of structural and functional characteristics of speech experience carried out through empirical referents diagnosis the internal structure and factor analysis in order to highlight the latent variables that contribute to the functioning of the external structure. The results of the empirical study show that the organization of the internal structure of speech experience carried on the principle of differentiation. The external structure in the dynamics of its development shows the tendence to integration – the union of previously separate elements into one organized structure and bring it to the optimum number of items. Thus, the organization of speech experience going in the unity of differentiation and integration as the main processes of functioning the system.
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