Psycholinguistic Aspects of Phraseology as Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Children’s Speech Enriching by Expressive and Stylistic Language Means
psycholinguistic units, psychological units, linguistic units, psycholinguodidactic principles, linguodidactic principles.Abstract
The article discusses the problem of phraseologisms as a multidimensional scientific phenomenon, which can be regarded as different units, such as: psychological, psycholinguistic and linguistic; lighting of psycholinguistic principles derived from an understanding of phraseological units as psycholinguistic ones: special blocks of economical, precise, well-aimed and witty production and speech understanding as well as introduction of these principles in the field of applied psycholinguistics, in particular in psycholinguistics of development and a subordinate to it in theoretical and methodological sense linguistics; disclosure on the material of specific experimental study of the author’s experience with taking into account the psycholinguistic basics when developing a method of speech enrichment by phraseological units of the senior preschool children with a view to its development.
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