Expressive Inversion in the Original and Translated Text of Crome Yellow by A. Huxley


  • Orest Tolochko Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine



inversion, expressive and stylistic marking of a context, imagery, source text, target text, prose of A. Huxley.


The article elucidates expressively marked contexts with inversion specifying their functions in the stylistic and imagery storyline as well as analyzes the means of their adequate rendering into the target text focusing on the writer’s individual style features preservation. Grammatical and stylistic category of inversion forms a significant means aimed at producing the desired aesthetic effect. In combination with the units referring to different language levels as well as the use of tropes, inversion exercises a number of functions in the original text: a) emphasis of semantically and conceptually significant stylistically marked statement components in certain contexts producing an antithesis  effect; b) emphasis of a certain syntactic element “consolidating” the narration structure of a certain part of discourse assisting to the semantic and connotative meaning representation, thus providing the personages’ characteristics; c) representation and interpretation of the “artistic details”; d) a means of conveying mood and a affective state of a personage. The emotive colouring of a target text has been achieved by preservation of stylistically marked elements belonging to different language levels, and due to the disclosure of the lingual units associative connotations, the latter in combination form the imagery system of the target text.


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Vol 3, No 2 (2016)

How to Cite

Tolochko, O. . (2016). Expressive Inversion in the Original and Translated Text of Crome Yellow by A. Huxley. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics , 3(2), 110-120.