Linguistic Manipulative Techniques in Advertising Slogans of Fast Food Restaurants


  • Nataliia Dobzhanska-Knight
  • Khrystyna Voitko Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine



manipulation, advertisement, distortion, deletion, generalization, presupposition, metaphor, tag questions, embedded commands, double binds, antithesis, life values, unique selling proposition, truism.


The article deals with the notion of manipulation in advertising slogans of fast food restaurants. It focuses on techniques and means of language influence on the recipient. The article shows results of the study of 239 advertising slogans of fast food restaurants in English-speaking countries (a total number of 104 companies). Different language patterns which are used in advertising slogans and aimed at persuasion of customers on the subconscious level, are defined and analyzed; among them the most numerous are language patterns which create statements with distortions, deletions, and generalizations manifesting themselves in a variety of forms. The research also describes manipulative language patterns specifically related to advertising, such as unique selling proposition or life values. The article also shows quantitative proportions of the use of each pattern, as well as patterns used by the most successful and less successful restaurants. The most frequent of the manipulative language patterns are lost performatives, mind reading, and comparisons. The techniques of life values, mind reading, and antithesis are more common in advertising slogans of top restaurants compared to less popular ones. Individual slogans frequently manifest the use of more than one linguistic pattern of manipulation.


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Vol 4 No 2 (2017)

How to Cite

Dobzhanska-Knight , N. ., & Voitko, K. (2017). Linguistic Manipulative Techniques in Advertising Slogans of Fast Food Restaurants. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics , 4(2), 14-23.