Perception of the Lexeme 'Europe' by Students: A Psycholinguistic Analysis


  • Iryna Postolova
  • Nataliia Tomarieva National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



psycholinguistics, associative experiment, word-stimulus 'Europe', reaction, perception.


The article analyzes the results of the free associative experiment, which was conducted among first-year students during 2016-2018. According to the frequency of reactions, the authors model the structure of the associative field: nucleus, body and periphery; define the morphological and semantic groups of associations on the word-stimulus ‘Europe’ obtained during the experiment, analyze the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships among the reactions, build the structure of the resulting associative field. The responses of respondents are significantly dominated by nouns; occasionally occur adjectives, verbs, adverbs and pronouns; adjectives and adverbs are mostly colored with emotions and estimations. Phrases make a significant group of associations phrases (about one fifth). Among the above mentioned things, toponyms and surnames of well-known political figures are named. Semantically, all associations are divided in general cultural, economic and political, such ones that express aesthetic perception of the word-stimulus, as well as those related to travel and leisure. Special attention in the article is given to emotional coloring of reactions (they are divided in positive, negative and neutral). Thus, the material presented in the work reflects, to a certain extent, the perception of the word-stimulus 'Europe' by contemporary student youth.


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Vol 5 No 1 (2018)

How to Cite

Postolova, I. ., & Tomarieva, N. (2018). Perception of the Lexeme ’Europe’ by Students: A Psycholinguistic Analysis. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics , 5(1), 36-44.