Modern Approaches to the Interpretation of the Motive for Naming


  • Oksana Chornous Kropyvnytskyi Institute of State and Municipal Management, Ukraine



motive, naming, onomastics, psychology, surname.


This paper is focused on some modern approaches to the interpretation of the term “motive for naming”, which is widely used in Ukrainian onomastics. In author’s opinion, it is necessary to define the semantic content of the terms “motive” and “naming” by analyzing the definitions given by the linguists and psychologists in different lexicographical works and papers. As a result of the investigation, it appeared that there are some essential components of the terms “motive” and “naming”: 1) it is an internal reason for a certain course of action; it is conscious; 2) this reason holds great personal significance for a namegiver, it is self-interest for a namegiver; 3) it is an internal reason that energizes people to use all resources of language and makes him/her to choose between ready lexical units that function in a language and can be used for naming or create new names; 4) in the process of creating an anthroponym, the speaker is guided by his/her tastes and preferences, trying to achieve the maximum informative value for the name and so on. Compared to components given in the definition of the term “motive for naming”, the author notes some differences. For example, some scholars defined motive of naming as an external extra-linguistic reason. On the basis of the current legislation it was also determined that the term “motive of naming” can be applied to surnames, especially in the cases when the surname was created by the representatives of local authorities or the person by himself.


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Vol 5 No 1 (2018)

How to Cite

Chornous, O. (2018). Modern Approaches to the Interpretation of the Motive for Naming. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics , 5(1), 25-35.