Psycholinguistic Features of Pedagogical Communication in the Modern Ukrainian School
psycholinguistic features, pedagogical communication, perception, conflict, pedagogical communication styles.Abstract
Pedagogical communication is commonly defined as sharing relevant information, necessary knowledge, and mutual coordination of teacher’s actions with their students. This interaction mediates the assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities, the formation of personality and their competencies. It is argued that among the main psycholinguistic barriers of pedagogical communication are semantic, phonetic, rhetorical, and logical. Psycholinguistic features of the pedagogical communication encompass communicative, perceptive, and interactive components along with the main styles of this kind of communication: authoritarian, democratic, and liberal. Among the main findings of the study is the definition of the set of strategies such as avoiding verbal constructions that trigger and maintain communicative barriers, non-constructive effects of stereotypization, chronic conflicts, and other means aimed at strengthening authoritarian-oriented styles of communication.
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