Speech Competence Testing and Assessment: German Approach


  • Inna Tarasiuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine




assessment, testing, formal and informal assessment, external assessment, self-assessment, standardized language exams, psycho-emotional states of personality.


Methods and approaches of foreign language teaching being changed considerably of late, the assessment of the language competence should be consistent with clear international standardization requirements. Since the article has a brief informative character, the notion of evaluation as an inducement to a corresponding speech reaction or action through the well-defined communicative tasks is defined. Such types of evaluation as formal and informal, external evaluation and a self-assessment are outlined in the article. Different functions of speech competence assessment were covered, as it is important to understand its purpose. Among them  are diagnostics, encouragement, progress recognition, the statement of goals achievement, the setting of rating, grading, comparison, motivation. Since there are two subjective pictures of the objective world where there are two persons: the vision of the situation for those who evaluate and those who are evaluated, the psycho-emotional aspect of the issue under consideration is also taken into account.


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Vol 6 No 1 (2019)

How to Cite

Tarasiuk, I. (2019). Speech Competence Testing and Assessment: German Approach. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics , 6(1), 76-81. https://doi.org/10.29038/eejpl.2019.6.1.ita